The CBR Test, or California Bearing Ratio is a test that is used to determine the strength of the ground before highways are built or pavement is put down. The CBR test is one of the most well-known and well used tests of its kind today, and it was invented just before World War 2 by the California Department of Transportation. There are a couple of different ways to perform the test, but as standard both are considered the best way to test the pressure the subgrades and basecourses the ground before new building work is able to withstand.
What are the advantages of CBR testing?
There are many advantages to CBR testing. As one of the most well-known methods of testing what it does, many companies have now got it down to a perfect art, and it is relatively easy to do with the right tools.
Test Can be performed with minimal training
If you are performing a California Bearing Ratio test, the equipment does most of the work. You do not need to train staff through a lengthy process that will take them off of the shop floor. CBR testing can be done with basic instructions and minimum disruption to the normal work load of the day.
The test is designed for its intended purpose
With CBR testing, you will be using an actual test that has been invented for the specific purpose. Unlike some other construction tests that are used across the board for a multitude of different things, CBR testing is specifically for highways.
The equipment is portable
The equipment for CBR testing is easily as portable as other construction equipment, which means you can test multiple sites in one day. The equipment is basic, and easily stored, with very few disposable components that need to be replaced continuously.
You can choose where to run the test
Depending on your preference, time constraints and budget, you can make the actual testing suit you. Testing can either be done at the actual site using the equipment, or back in the laboratory with an adequate soil sample. Both testing methods yield a result that is fairly accurate, so it may make it easier to manage your workforce’s time if you do the actual testing in the lab.
You can test for future water conditions
When you are testing samples, you can add or subtract water during the process to test for future conditions. This means if you test the sample on a dry day, but the area is prone to heavy rains, you can periodically add water to the sample to ensure that you are covered for all weather conditions.
Although the test is intended for subgrades, you can also test other materials
As well as testing subgrades, you can also use the California Bearing Test on other different materials. This is especially helpful if you are dealing with a geological area that has a number of different materials to test.