Energy Friendly Lifestyle Tips

Adopting an energy-friendly lifestyle is bound to bring you a ton of benefits that can also enhance the quality of life of your whole family and wider community.

There are many reasons why people choose an energy-friendly lifestyle: from environmental to financial and other personal benefits. Energy-efficiency has also become one of the most common attributes that increases one’s property value. It’s in being green these days.

 1. Benefits of energy efficiency

Using energy more efficiently is one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to save money while reducing one’s carbon footprint.

 The many benefits of energy efficiency include:

  • Environmental aspects

Energy efficiency reduces the emissions of greenhouse gasses as well as reduces water use.

  • Economic

Adopting an energy efficient lifestyle can lower utility bills. Moreover, by using renewable energy sources, you get to reduce dependency on providers and protect yourself from raising electricity prices. Maryland gas prices vary greatly depending on the provider and a specific package so make sure you have the most affordable rate that suits your usage best.

  • Utility System Benefits:

As energy efficiency keeps increasing, there will be a lower demand for overall electricity and expanding its infrastructure. Renewable sources have a far cleaner infrastructure.

  • Risk Management:

Energy efficiency also helps diversify utility resource portfolios and can be a hedge against uncertainty associated with fluctuating fuel prices.

2. Tips to live a more energy friendly lifestyle

Adopting energy-friendly habits does not have to be hard. If you feel overwhelmed by so many changes, just start with one. Step by step and you’ll get there soon enough. What counts is becoming aware of your habits and energy usage. Moreover, the list is never definite as it is up to your creativity to make your life even greener. However, here are some of the basic energy-friendly tips you can easily implement.

Energy efficient lightbulbs

Although LED lightbulbs come at a higher selling price, this investment pays on its own with an extended lifespan and a reduced electricity bill. Compared to their traditional counterparts, these lightbulbs can use up to 80% less electricity.

Smart thermostat

Programming your thermostat in a correct manner can result in a savings of $200 per year. Smart thermostats  can help you save up to 23% on your heating and cooling costs.

Reduce water use

If you enjoy long showers, just install a low-flow shower head.

Make your coffee routine more eco-friendly

It’s ok to enjoy a Starbucks cup of coffee every day, but at least bring your own reusable cup and forget about the coffee stirrer by adding milk and sugar to your cup before the coffee.

If you think this is irrelevant, know that every year Americans throw away 138 billion straws and coffee stirrers.

Make eco-friendly into your fashion statement

It is said that clothes make the (wo)man. Show your green lifestyle by wearing clothes that are made from organic materials and don’t throw them away if they rip but make an effort to patch things up.

Pull the plug and unplug

Abandoning your electronics when they are not in use will also bring you mental benefits. Unplug electronics to eliminate phantom waste or at least use a power strip which you can turn off when they’re not in use. Unplugging will also help you relax and unwind.

The road less travelled

If you don’t have to drive, walk or take a bus or ride a bike.

Recycle whatever can be recycled

Did you know you can recycle your car? The most recycled consumer product in the world today is the automobile. At least 95 percent of each unusable vehicle is recycled each year. But, it can be even more simple than that. For example, don’t throw away your old t-shirt but use it for cleaning instead of paper towels. Use, re-use and repeat!

Investigate digital and cleaner options

Before you do anything or buy anything, always ask yourself is there a cleaner option. For example, it is much eco-friendlier to read books and newspapers online than in paper form.

Eat less meat

According to a United Nations study, the livestock sector accounts for 9 percent of CO2 emissions from human-related activities. However, it produces a much larger share of even more harmful greenhouse gases, such as human-related nitrous oxide. Less livestock also means more land as more than a third of the Earth’s surface is used to raise and support livestock, harming nature and irreparably damaging ecosystems.

Rent instead of buying

Rent movies. Borrow books. Buy second hand. Adopting a green lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to settle for less, as many items that you find in a used-goods store are just as good as the original. In fact, they often are the original instead of a poorly made copy.

Takeaway- every small step counts

While we all have a carbon footprint, you can at least try to make yours as small as possible. Be creative and do what you can. If you feel overwhelmed to take all these steps at the same time, just try one at a time and you’ll get there. It isn’t always easy, but we can do our best- and hope for the best!

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