Research Paper Analysis

Research Paper Analysis: Definition, Types, Examples

Research paper analysis is a detailed examination of results and evaluation of key findings. It is a critical examination of every aspect of the research. Research paper analysis is the most important section of the research. Researchers develop arguments to support their research problem and make inferences. So, every researcher must have a thorough understanding of research paper analysis. It will enable them to conduct critical analysis. This article will tell you everything you need to know about research paper analysis.

What Is Research Paper Analysis?

Research pertains to investigating a natural or social phenomenon from a unique perspective. It entails formulating a statement of the problem. Research also requires research questions or a hypothesis in quantitative research. Research is a systematic discovery of new facts and theories about any natural or social issue. Research paper analysis is a thorough investigation of a research problem. It entails conducting research and breaking down findings into separate conceptual categories. The breakdown of concepts helps arrive at logical conclusions. It makes a straightforward argument regarding the research problem. According to The Academic papers UK, research analysis involves supporting the research problem with evidence and explanation. In various settings, you may use analysis to develop several solutions to a problem.

Research paper analysis is a dialectical process that involves thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The dialectical method comes from the ancient Greeks. Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher, used to start discussing any issue by presenting a point. To support or invalidate the point, he would present counterarguments and contrast the views. It is a valuable technique to synthesise arguments. So, analysis is an evaluative technique. It involves identifying the strengths and weaknesses of arguments. A critical analysis always incorporates counterfactual data and arguments and contrasts against the key arguments.

What Are The Different Types And Examples Of Research Paper Analysis?

Research paper analysis can be subdivided into different categories under two primary analysis methods. One method pertains to quantitative analysis, and another method is qualitative analysis.

Quantitative Research Paper Analysis

Quantitative research analysis refers to the analysis of numerical data. Researchers collect numerical data through survey questionnaires and experiments. Quantitative research involves a hypothesis that a researcher seeks to confirm or refute through data analysis. Analysis in quantitative research usually involves statistical methods and tools. Here are some of the different types of quantitative research analysis.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis involves using statistical tools and methods to analyse the data. It is a scientific process that further examines the raw data and refines it to identify patterns. The trends and patterns in the data help researchers determine whether the hypothesis is valid. It leads to the discovery of new facts and theories. Statistical analysis involves applying mathematical formulas and dealing with tangible facts and concrete evidence. Statistical analysis has the following sub-categories:

Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive analysis in quantitative research paper analysis refers to the description of data features. Researchers often conduct descriptive research to explain and describe the salient features of a specific phenomenon. The descriptive analysis involves explicitly stating the research variables and description of data. It requires describing the various attributes of the sample size that emerged during the collection and analysis part. The descriptive analysis uses measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion to describe the data.

Inferential Analysis

Inferential analysis starts with an assumption. For example, a hypothesis, and researchers draw inferences from the data. Inferences refer to the conclusions. The analysis part involves finding correlations between the variables. Or investigating the causal impact, such as the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable. It involves regression analysis, frequency analysis, and analysis of variance.

Experimental Analysis

Experimental analysis in quantitative research involves setting up an experiment. Researchers experiment and manipulate the variables to identify causation. Experimental analysis is a scientific process that involves a hypothesis and research variables. Researchers often identify a control group and an experiment group to identify a cause-and-effect relationship. If you feel any issues in this analysis, you can get dissertation help online.

Qualitative Research Paper Analysis

Qualitative research paper analysis refers to the analysis of textual data. It is a common technique in humanities and social sciences. Researchers identify the underlying patterns and inherent meanings in the textual data. It requires reading between the lines and identification of semantic and latent meanings. Qualitative analysis is open to multiple interpretations, and it is a subjective process. Researchers collect data through open-ended surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions. Researchers collect data from many sources. The sources also include secondary sources that bring variety to the analysis. Qualitative research analysis has the following sub-categories:

Thematic Analysis

Thematic analysis in qualitative research refers to data analysis based on different themes. Researchers also derive various themes from the data. Thematic analysis is a systematic approach to reviewing and examining textual data. It requires a comprehensive overview and a discursive approach to uncover the hidden patterns in the data.

Narrative Analysis

Narrative analysis in qualitative research paper analysis refers to the narration of primary data. The narration involves taking a unique approach and reformulating the stories based on the people’s personal experiences. It is an effective analysis technique in social research and humanities. Oral history documentation often involves narrative analysis.

Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis refers to the analysis of verbal and written communication between people. Discourse analysis is a complex analytical method. It examines the meaning of communication in its situational context. Discourse analysis argues that the formulation of meaning in communication is not independent of its social, cultural, and political context. Discourse analysis isolates and identifies the pre-conceived notions that form thoughts translated into verbal or written communication. Discourse analysis revolves around the consensus of meanings based on the power structures. It is an effective analysis technique in literature and social sciences.


Research paper analysis is a comprehensive examination and evaluation of primary and secondary data. The analysis involves isolating different concepts and breaking down complex concepts for clarification. The purpose of research paper analysis is to generate deep insights about any issue and add value to the literature.

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